Sabtu, 17 September 2011

computers and me.....finding my inner geek

I saw my first Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I at a friend's house many moons ago.  It was also at that house on the same day that I saw HBO for the first time.  It all seemed so fantastic - a computer that fit on a table top and a commercial free movie on a TV screen.  I'm guessing that was 1977.  I was a newbie selling real estate back then.  The "computer" in our office was a MLS terminal and I

two spaces after a period

Blogger no longer word wraps with forgiveness of the two space generations like me. So, please forgive me when you see those out of format little spaces at the start of lines.  This is one old habit I'm not trying to break.  It's on automatic pilot - two spaces and me.

Southern Title suspends issuance of policies mainly because of a defalcation.

I spoke recently with the Pennsylvania rep for Southern Title.  He had made the jump from New Jersey Title and was busy signing up agents who were left without an underwriter when New Jersey Title stopped writing new business.

Both regional title insurance underwriters were hit by substantial defalcations.  I am convinced that the system of title insurance underwriting is capable of

Virginia Business - News: Title insurance company suspends sales of new policies

Virginia Business - News: Title insurance company suspends sales of new policies

Rabu, 07 September 2011

lenders on the RESPA hot seat for reinsurance partnerships

In exchange for the their business, companies such as Citigroup Inc, Wells Fargo & Co, SunTrust Banks Inc. and Countrywide allegedly required reinsurance partnerships on generous terms that violated the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, a 1974 law prohibiting abusive home sales practices.

During a two-day presentation in the summer of 2009, HUD's team presented DOJ attorneys with a thick

Jumat, 02 September 2011

on robosignings

NEW YORK (AP) — Counties across the United States are discovering that illegal or questionable mortgage paperwork is far more widespread than thought, tainting the deeds of tens of thousands of homes dating to the late 1990s.The suspect documents could create legal trouble for homeowners for years.Already, mortgage papers are being invalidated by courts, insurers are hesitant to write policies,