Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

helping a consumer with a Good Faith Estimate error

I was recently contacted by a new title insurance consumer, a homebuyer, who asked if I had worked with the mortgage lender he had selected.  I didn't recognize the name of the company but assured him that we work with many diverse lenders and would help this lender with the nuances of Western Pennsylvania customs in real estate, if needed.  This homebuyer then said he had talked with some local


Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

get to know Elizabeth Warren

query: what is the difference between a title commitment and title insurance

If you have ever applied for a mortgage loan, then think of the title commitment as being the same as the mortgage loan commitment letter.  The purpose of the title commitment is to formally state that the property has been approved for title insurance subject to certain conditions.

A smart consumer will obtain a copy of the title commitment prior to closing and READ IT.  This is your chance to

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

I watched this video this morning and tried to post a comment. I was blocked by the site's blacklist. WAH???

Here's my comment:

I hope for good results from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

In response to your video, the bigger issue with these so-called "in-house" providers is the underlying conflict of interest.

The consumer loses their position as owner of the transaction as providers are motivated to serve their customer, the source of referrals.

I've been in this industry for over 35

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Google is cramping my blogging style.

For years I've been able to blog on the fly with two email browsers up and running.  One for dianecipa@gmail.com and the other for dcipa@tcsclosing.com.  They both sit on Google platforms.  The gmail account was based on my original tcsclosing email address and so now Google doesn't want to have conflicting accounts open at the same time.

Google - You're killing me!!!

My blogs are accessed

tsk tsk Mr. Allen ....bad CEO bad CEO

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The CEO of what had been one of the nation's largest privately held mortgage lenders was sentenced Tuesday to more than three years in prison for his role in a $3 billion scheme that officials called one of the biggest corporate frauds in U.S. history.

The 40-month sentence for Paul R. Allen, 55, of Oakton, Va., is slightly less than the six-year term sought by federal

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. ;)

Hey, why not, eh?

Here's some news.  Yours truly, the Title Insurance Talk lady is looking for a new path, a new challenge.  I have a wonderful replacement, an employee who I trust implicitly, to buy my business so I can move on when I find that next thing I want to do.  It's time. ;)

What do I WANT to do?  I'd love to find a place in which to help restore good practices in mortgage lending and

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Here's a fraud case to watch.

MURRIETA, Calif. (KABC) -- A family is being told the house they thought they bought in Murrieta actually belongs to someone else. The family says they can't stop making their mortgage payments. 
"Even though you've made your payments in full every month, you could get a knock at the door saying get out," said would-be homeowner Charlie Zahari. "If you look at it, we're renters in a house

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

There hasn't been too much to talk about in title lately.

Or maybe I'm just not feeling compelled to post.  Hmmm....what is an interesting case?

Well, here's an interesting situation.  It's not new but it's always good to do a repeat.

We have a terrific program called Choose and Save.  We're closing a transaction today in which the consumer found us and our program while shopping on the web.  He was  tough shopper and checked with  numerous title

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Well, here's a case that will cause regulators to notice escrow accounts.

MINEOLA, N.Y. (CN) - TitleServ, one of the largest title agencies in the country, swiped $7.9 million from customers' escrow funds, the underwriter WFG National Title Insurance Co. claims in Nassau County Court.
     New Jersey Title Insurance Co. has filed a similar complaint against TitleServ, which "was authorized to write title insurance policies in at least 26 states, including New York