Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

almost forgot to share this closing adventure

We've all got crazy closing stories, right?  Well, the other night we had an in office closing set for 5pm.  Folks started arriving a few minutes early just as our severe weather warning siren started blowing.  As the buyers walked in they got a call from a friend who was at the Walmart about 8 miles away.  They had been instructed to get on the floor and away from the windows.  A tornado was on

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

getting back to the REO transaction and the odd POA scenario

It hits me that this attorney isn't even in touch with the principal on the POA.  According to her the REO company may not even have current contacts for that company.  This attorney is apparently throwing darts at the public record trying to find a POA that might fit her transaction.  What the hey?

The vested lender is vested on the sheriff's deed because the foreclosure attorney filed an

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Here's a different approach ...affiliate as "single person"

NAILTA supports the FRB's definition of the term "affiliate" as a "single person" for the purposes of the Rule.
An AfBA, according to NAILTA's view, is a single entity and, accordingly, should be subject to the "single person" compensation requirements. Indeed, the trade associations refer to the "affiliate" as a "one-stop" shop.
Therefore, treating them differently for purposes of the Rule

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Facebook connections continue to evolve...

"It is great to see that the courts are willing to embrace new technology," says a British lawyer given permission to serve a summons to a difficult-to-reach debtor via Facebook.

Source techPresident.

criminy...here's a morning chuckle or maybe not - just pretend it's a Monty Python short

You be the judge.

What follows is a transcript of the deposition of Lawrence Patterson, acting head of information technology for the recorder's division of the county fiscal office. The questioner is attorney David Marburger, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of title companies. Another attorney, Matthew Cavanagh, represents the county and raises objections.

Read more on Cleveland.


Are we on Candid Camera?

You be the judge.

What follows is a transcript of the deposition of Lawrence Patterson, acting head of information technology for the recorder's division of the county fiscal office. The questioner is attorney David Marburger, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of title companies. Another attorney, Matthew Cavanagh, represents the county and raises objections.

Read more on Cleveland.

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

just another day processing REO transactions....

notes for file

The lender's attorney agreed that the 2nd POA she submitted does not cover our transaction.  Our underlying mortgage is NOT part of that servicing agreement.

She wants to make an argument that the first POA she submitted can be used even though it does not specify power to sign a deed.  I disagree but said she can put her argument in writing and I will submit it to our

Fidelity sends more jobs out of the USA

BANGALORE: The world's largest property title insurance company Fidelity National Financial (FNF) will increase its headcount in India this year as it transfers more work from the US to its captive centre in Bangalore.

Read more on The Times of India.

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

subdivisions, outsales and foreclosure

TWO....TWO cases in one week with the same situation, well almost.

I've had two transactions cross my desk in one week that involve subdivision, sale of a portion of a mortgaged parcel which later went into foreclosure.  In both cases, the attorneys who handled the subdivisions and conveyance out of the mortgaged parcel overlooked getting a release from the mortgagee.  What were they thinking!

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

attention all PA title insurers...time to escheat!

April 15 is the deadline to report and deliver unclaimed property to the Pennsylvania Treasury.  Here are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare your company’s report:
All owner accounts with a last known address in Pennsylvania should be reported to the Pennsylvania Treasury.  Companies incorporated in Pennsylvania should report all “unknown” owner accounts to the Pennsylvania Treasury