Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

this still blows my mind....ROBO-GFEs...don't they get it yet?

"Several important new features in ClosingCorp’s SmartGFE service just went live in order to improve the GFE data process — including an automatic notification of changed circumstances"  source

ClosingCorp's SmartGFE is nothing more than a ROBO-GFE in my mind.  It's only a matter of time before the lack of human decision making is exposed yet again as a bad idea.  Culture of brainlessness..."

Well, that's an angle I hadn't consider. Hmmm.

"We are not an equity owner in any law firm," he said.

Read the article in Housing Wire.

"standing in the wind" and "the wall is red"

I've probably talked about these two techniques before but just in case, let me explain.

What we call "standing in the wind" is the purposeful listening  to another person venting while remaining calm.  Our natural instinct is to get riled and defensive. It's not that the wind is bad.  The wind is.

Real estate is a large transaction that touches some of the most important moments of life and

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

My heavens to Murgatroyd, we're busy.

Me thinks consumers have finally discovered that interest rates are LOW LOW LOW and those that aren't buying are refinancing. 

Oh, and BTW - lenders are lending!  ;)

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

I really do not understand this need to make transactions brainless. Do you?

The robo-signers that have blown a hole into the foreclosure process are evidence of this never ending quest for the holy grail of brainlessness.  WHY  WHY  WHY WHY is the mortgage and title insurance business so darned interested in getting rid of competent human beings?

I just got a call from a nice lady at Closing.com.  They call every so often to ask if my fees are accurate and I always say

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

mortgage broker advertises interest rates tied to affiliated title insurance

A friend showed me the mortgage rate section of the Tribune Review last weekend and pointed to a mortgage company listing that had asterisks next to a few interest rates.  These asterisks pointed to a note that the rates were only available if the transaction was a purchase and the borrower used a particular title provider.

Clearly the mortgage broker sought to avoid Pennsylvania's discounted

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Hey, readers. Hello!

Hope you like the new look of Title Insurance Talk.  This is the first visual overhaul since 2006.  I've been wanting to update the picture for some time but the right shot just hadn't surfaced, then my friend Marianne sent my this photo of us playing at the local farmer's market.  I LOVE that she caught my TCS minicooper in the shot, SOOOOO, here we are.  ;)

Marianne McAuliffe plays Native

Fidelity scales up outsourcing to India

CHENNAI: Spotting an opportunity to cut its costs by around 30 per cent with increased productivity, US-based insurer Fidelity National Title Group Inc has decided to scale up its business process outsourcing (BPO) and software development activities in India.

The company had set up its captive BPO company Fidelity

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

if you bought a foreclosed home and are concerned about recent news

“If a new homeowner’s title is challenged because of a faulty foreclosure, the title insurer may have an obligation to defend the challenge,” said Kurt Pfotenhauer, chief executive officer of ALTA. “However, it is unlikely that a court will take property from an innocent current homeowner and return it to a previous homeowner who failed to make payments on the