Selasa, 28 September 2010

the junk junkies just never learn, do they?

I've been slowly watching the return of articles pushing automation in mortgage underwriting and mused that it wasn't taking very long for people to forget that the loss of competent human credit analysts is what started this whole mess.

This morning, this article popped up on Inman and I am simply amazed but I guess shouldn't be surprised that folks just don't get what credit underwriting is

Rabu, 22 September 2010

the dangerous dangling lot

You might not think of an extra lot as being dangerous but from a title insurance perspective, the extra lot causes all sorts of misunderstandings and potential for loss, especially when the lot is forgotten or not considered.

A recurring problem surfaces in foreclosure.  If a title agent only places a mortgage upon the lot on which the house sits but doesn't consider discussing the adjacent

Kamis, 16 September 2010

question to settlement agents

Are you seeing a drop off in the number of transactions with home warranties being sold as part of a purchase transaction?  I am.

Interesting, huh? 

Selasa, 14 September 2010

interesting observation on RESPA 2010

How the industry is faring with new RESPA forms After eight months of using the new Good Faith Estimate and HUD-1 Settlement Statement forms, mortgage lenders, closers and the legal community are at a calmer place with implementation than they were on Jan. 1. But is it a perfect system yet? Two attorneys say no, with one saying that

Senin, 13 September 2010

query via email: Is it legal to have a simultaneous closing?

Hi Diane,
My question concerns methods of closing. Is it legal to have a simultaneous closing?
In other words on an A to B and B to C purchase where the bank is A, I am B, and an end buyer is C.
At closing is it legal for B and C to sign papers, with the funds from C put into escrow, and then A and B close using funds from escrow on first signing to fund that transaction?
I hear some Title

speaking of escrows

What do you think?  If an agent is no longer representing a particular underwriter, doesn't it make sense that the underwriter should take the escrows related to their policies?

I was thinking about that lately and it makes sense to me. 

abandoned escrows

It still blows my mind how many abandoned inheritance tax escrows we have every year.  I've got thousands of dollars sitting in escrow that I need to get over to the Department of Revenue.  They in turn will send us a release for our insured property and we can then file it at with the Register of Wills.

Each year I work with a different person at the Department. Most are just happy to get the

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Hello to fast reader in the Netherlands. :) May I help you find something in particular?

This is the little blog that could. ;) Title Insurance Talk sits out here in the web ether answering usually 100 to 200 questions at day.  Most hits are specific queries - questions to search engines.  I always hope YOU, the reader will find what you are looking for.  If not, if it's a relevant question we haven't covered before, I'll do a post.  Some hits are regular readers and I love seeing