Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

so, what is RESPRO up to? identifies responsibilities?


RESPRO's Model GFE Cost Indemnification Agreement identifies the responsibilities of both the loan originator and the third-party settlement service provider if the final cost of a settlement service subject to HUD's new 10% tolerance requirement exceeds the new limit.   Read more here.

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009


If you see an OLD GFE, you will see an OLD HUD.

If you see a NEW GFE, you will see a NEW HUD.

Some lenders, namely Wells Fargo, are already using the new GFE.  We choose our HUD on a case by case basis depending on the type of GFE used.

The NEW GFE will be mandatory for RESPA covered transactions on January 1st.

We'll still be using the old style HUD for cash transactions and other

playing with the new RESPA HUD

I've been taking lender GFEs and testing them to new RESPA standards for about two months.  So far, I have only found TWO that would have been outside of the 10% tolerance.


What this tells me is that a loan officer who gives a reasonable effort in the numbers is usually safe.

What this also tells me is that loan officers must take their skills to a higher level and be aware

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009


I wondered how long it would take before the marketing - JV stuff started back up again.  YOI Here's a blurb from a solicitation:

"Marketing agreements certainly have their place in the real estate industry. They are one way to test whether or not you want to enter into a deeper business relationship with another company. They are also a way to generate leads to possible customers. However, it

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

well, playing with RESPA

We've been running comparisons of GFEs done the old way and our prelim HUD as we do title.  We're just playing to see if loan officers are adjusting as they get closer and how close are people anyway?

Most are within 10%.  Some aren't.

Shouldn't be too darn hard to make the adjustment though.  I'm relieved.