Jumat, 25 September 2009

real estate agent covers seller's bum

A vigilant real estate agent in New York state has concluded what seemed like a never ending quest to make certain her seller could not be accused of colluding to defraud a lender in a FHA mortgage transaction. Facts...the seller assist in the contract exceeded FHA guidelines. This was not noticed until underwriting and the parties were never notified except via the closing instructions which

So many interesting cases

...have crossed my desk lately that I should be blogging about but the good news is that we've been really busy and each time I think I should stop and post, I think about that next consumer waiting for their title work. So with that in mind I'm going to toss up these few notes without expanding into a larger post. Forgive me. ;)When building a new house or addition to an existing dwelling,

Jumat, 11 September 2009

protecting privacy

I thought we had this problem licked but just today we noticed a mortgage with a social security number on the first page. This is a government program and now we are wondering if this is a new development or just the first time it popped out to our eyes.Why in heavens name would a mortgage lender or a government agency put a person's social security number on a document intended for public

Rabu, 09 September 2009

ALTA licensing fee

If you write title insurance using an ALTA form, heads up. ALTA has decided to claim ownership of the forms and charge a licensing fee.WASHINGTON--(Business Wire)--In a move aimed at strengthening the land title industry by protecting theassociation`s top industry product, the American Land Title Association haslaunched an initiative to license the use of its uniform title insurance policyforms.

Rabu, 02 September 2009

file this under WOW

Media reports and court records reveal that on August 24, 2009 a complaint was filed in the US District Court in Orlando by the Secret Service which alleges that Victor Cedeno had stolen over $1.5 million dollars from the proceeds of short sales he managed on behalf of his former employer Taylor, Bean and Whitaker (TBW). Read more on the Mortgage and Real Estate Fraud blog.