Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

so who gets to fix it?

Old unsatisfied mortgages, especially those with private individuals, drive me batty. On the one hand, if lots of time has passed and no foreclosure has taken place, some underwriters will instruct agents to simply insure over it. I've done that and been burned, not because of collection efforts by the mortgagee, but because the next attorney or title agent in the chain decides they want it

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

this web site should be taken down

TITLE PARTNERS PLUSIt's no longer in business. Despite their claims that they were RESPA compliant, they weren't. The entire illegal operation has been shut down by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the FBI.Why is this web site still sitting up there in the cloud making unsuspecting surfers confused? Their claims are bogus but some people believe everything they read.Let's stop the kickback

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

I'm still here and they are not.

It seems like a thousand years ago when I started this blog in 2006 and the sister blog, Radical Title Talk. Part of the impetus to defend good practices in title insurance was my outrage over an outfit in State College, Pennsylvania who was soliciting mortgage lenders for a big sham operation. I couldn't believe that someone would so openly operate outside of state and federal rules.Well, read

Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

oh the drama of defalcation...

"Anytime you're talking about $10 million, you're not talking about a drop in the bucket. It's a major defalcation," said Larry Saichek, the court-appointed receiver in charge of Flagler's case.Flagler Title's underwriters already have paid about $5 million in claims. Other claims still are being investigated, while a few have been denied. These claims are from people who had deposit money held

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

mortgage underwriting????

I guess since we have standards again, folks are experiencing real mortgage underwriting - perhaps for the first time. That's good but it sure is generating questions. I've had numerous e-mails over the past few weeks and decided to post answers to a few questions here.In my pre-title life, I was a mortgage underwriter - FHA direct endorsement, VA automatic approval and FNMA/FHLMC. I had the