Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

liens survive forclosure

Working on a file, a purchase transaction, with property that passed through foreclosure before my seller acquired it. Four liens survived the foreclosure and though, in this case, I'm fairly certain they can be resolved, the resolution may take time.I noted that a local attorney handled the conveyance. I'm pretty certain he is not a title agent but he is the solicitor for the municipality and

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

Well, I am totally beat.

Long day at the public hearing which, BTW was a richly rewarding experience. Will be back with more. It was really nice to see everyone who was there.

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Here's a big hello to

everyone doing their research for the public hearing in Harrisburg next week. See you there. ;)

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

new federal entity being born? will it cover insurance?

The discussions are in flux but at an advanced stage. It is unclear if the administration will propose creating a new federal agency or place new powers within an existing agency. The scope of the new powers also isn't settled, including whether they would cover insurance, which isn't currently regulated at the federal level. Read more...

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Wow, this was a surprise. Jim Maher died.

James Robert Maher, 59, a retired executive with the American Land Title Association, died May 5 of kidney cancer at his home in McLean. Mr. Maher joined the American Land Title Association, the trade association for the abstract and title insurance industry, as general counsel in 1984 and was promoted to executive vice president four years later. He was responsible for managing the

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

Good job to our reader and good job to his title company!

Hello Ms. Cipa, I replied a few weeks ago to your "how_to_file_claim" post on your Title Insurance Talk blog. You replied and recommended writing a certified letter. I did and it seemed to have worked, as I finally received a response: I received the following letter from my title company yesterday regarding my claim: XYZ Title Company has finished our review of the aforesaid claim. As

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Angelo Mozilo to face fraud charges.

Staff at the SEC have decided to recommend filing civil fraud charges against Angelo Mozilo, the co-founder of Countrywide Financial, according to people familiar with the investigation. The potential charges include alleged violations of insider-trading laws as well as failing to disclose material information to shareholders, according to one person familiar with the matter.Read more...

Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Did you happen to catch the story of the family who built their dream home on the wrong lot?

And now you know why you should have a survey performed before you build your dream home. The surveyor should mark out the location of the foundation so you avoid easements and setback lines and, most important of all, get the house on the right lot!

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Pennsylvania Insurance Department to Hold May 28 Public Hearing on Title Insurance

HARRISBURG, Pa., May 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Insurance Commissioner Joel Ario today announced that the Insurance Department will hold a public informational hearing on title insurance at 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 28, in Hearing Room 4 of the Keystone Building, 400 North Street, in Harrisburg. Topics discussed at the hearing will range from the basic structure of the product, the pricing of

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

query: what does instructions are at title mean

I think it means that the mortgage lender has delivered their formal closing instructions to the title agent/company and that parties are awaiting a HUD-1 and closing.That's reading a bit into your query but in my title world, that's the meaning of those words. ;)

tax claim bureau certificate was wrong

We recently had a title insurance claim, now resolved, over delinquent property taxes. Our insured owner had received notice of delinquent property taxes and contacted our office for help. I checked the file and found that we had a clear tax claim bureau certificate.I immediately did three things. I sent letters to the seller and the tax claim bureau, then opened a claim with the title

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

query: can I sue the title company for using the wrong lot number

Well, I guess you can sue anybody for any reason if you so desire. Will you win? That's another matter. Have your attorney carefully review your owner policy. If you have suffered a loss due to the error, you may have a basis for a title insurance claim.When a typographical error is discovered, such as an incorrect lot number, the title agent or title company would normally prepare and file