Senin, 30 Maret 2009

comment on rate filing

Dear Mr. Romberger:I am writing concerning the proposed changes to the TIRBOP rate structure. I do hope my comments will be considered as I did not learn of the rate filing until last week, having received no notice from my title underwriters or PLTA.I am a licensed title insurance agent. I have over 30 years of experience in the fields of real estate, mortgage lending and title insurance.

link to PA title insurance rate filing


PA title insurance rate increase in the news

Fees for some documents, such as a home closing service letter, would more than double under the proposal. Discounts for such things as home refinancings — where previous title searches were completed for the initial home purchase — would be eliminated.Title rates are subject to approval by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.The industry contends its revenues declined 16 percent during a

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Closing Services Letter and defalcations

Let's fix the problem instead of charging consumers a higher fee for coverage. When a consumer or a lending institution hands money over to a PA licensed title agent, they do so under the perceived umbrella of regulatory oversight. You may be surprised, however, to know the our insurance regulations contain no guidelines for the management of the title agent's escrow account. In fact, it's the

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

There's a filing for a title insurance rate increase pending in PA.

I, for one, hope the PA Department of Insurance will hold public hearings on the issue. I'd sure like to testify. Here are two questions to ponder:1. Why should PA consumers pay title underwriters an increased fee for a Closing Services Letter to cover all the defalcations when defalcations are largely caused by poor selection, training, and monitoring of agents, all of which title

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

restrictions...for heavens sake, get a copy and read them!

I've had a nice e-mail exchange this week with a reader who wondered why her title insurance agent had never told her about the restrictive covenants for the housing plan in which she lived.The lots in this plan are large and were meant to be used for residential purposes only. A neighbor, unaware of the restrictive covenants, started farming on their lot and added livestock. Our reader, also

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

working on a mystery, a title agent mystery that is

We're working with a consumer buying a commercial property who also planned to use their residence as collateral for a line of credit to make improvements on the new building. Routine process, their bank asked for a copy of the deed to their house and they can't find it. They called their mortgage lender who starting acting kinda weird and would only provide an unexecuted copy of a mortgage, so

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

PA escheat deadline coming up.

Just a reminder to PA title agents that our deadline for filing unclaimed property reports with the Pennsylvania Treasury Department is April 15th. A copy of the Unclaimed Property Act is available at are being reminded by the Department that a compliance report is to be filed, even if we have no unclaimed property.

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

I'm kinda blown away.....I had no idea Tanta died.

A few months ago I stopped following all the title blogs and all the mortgage blogs. I just couldn't take it anymore. So, this is a belated.....RIP Tanta.You really knew your stuff and you knew how to teach. I see a guitar in your hands and that makes me smile.

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

just thought I'd post that there's a whole lot of normalcy going on

Most mortgage lenders have lots of money to lend and rates are fabulous.Most homeowners are not in foreclosure and are making their mortgage payments on time.Most of the lack of business is due to normal fear mongering by the media, BUT...surprise, surprise, life goes on and we the people eventually just go about our business living life and in the process the recovery is happening with or