Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

final RESPA rule out in two weeks?

WASHINGTON (10/24/08)—Changes to the Real Estate Settlement Practices Act, known as RESPA, will be out within the next two weeks, according to Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Commissioner Brian Montgomery. Read more.....

just filed a title claim for a customer

There was a typographical error in a deed filed in 1946 which changed the lot number.  All of the deeds filed since then for this lot carried forward the mistake.A full search in our area is 60 years.  This transaction was processed in 2005 and we ordered a full search from First Am.  They apparently only did a 59 year search.  Had they gone back for a full search, they would have pulled the

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

what does a possible takeover in title insurance mean for our future?

If a giant lender decides to buy a giant title insurer, then we are facing a giant bundling concept.No doubt models are changing, they have to. Fidelity - with Cyberhomes - has decided to change the point of sale by capturing the consumer before the real estate agent has a chance to.Looks like we might have a giant lender deciding to offer consumers one stop pricing - all services included

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

FHA Wiki - This is a great idea.

Consumers, lenders, title agents, and real estate agents are always looking for a reliable source for FHA program info.  The FHA on-line resources have really come into their own.  Take a look at this Wikipedia run by FHA.gov.CLICK HERE.Here's a good one:  How do I determine when the annual MIP will be cancelled?For loans closed on or after January 1, 2001, FHA's annual MIP will be automatically

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

being prepared for closing

Take a moment to check your identification documents. You'll need a CURRENT photo ID that has been issued by the state or federal government.I have also noticed that lenders are asking for copies of social security cards.So, take both to closing.

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Am I interpreting the tea leaves correctly?

Has First American been taken over by a large financial institution? Speak! Speak!

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

query: in PA what are the procedures for signing over a house that was inherited.

Seek legal advice from a competent estate attorney.  You must make certain that matters concerning the estate are properly resolved including the filing of an inheritance tax return.

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

query: what happens if you get caught with occupancy fraud

Getting caught in mortgage fraud of any kind is serious.  Let's talk about occupancy and why mortgage lenders care about it.  It's all about basic human needs and survival.  When the chips are down and times get tough, you still need a roof over your head.  People tend to protect that roof and let other investments go south.Mortgage lenders and their underwriters rate risk.  They know from

query: what happens if mortgage is not subordinated

Let's talk about mortgage lien priority. Mortgages tend to fall into two categories - primary and subordinate. The most common form of subordinate mortgage is the home equity loan. Most consumers have the home equity loan or HELOC as a second mortgage recorded after their main mortgage. The main mortgage is in first position. First position gives the main mortgage lender lien priority in the

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

received this nice e-mail this morning....nice way to start the day ;)

Thank you for your and your teams’ excellent work regarding my home purchase. I have completed your survey and you should be receiving it in the mail soon. Also, I really appreciate the guidance, counseling, and service provided regarding the sewer easement survey situation. I come from a military background and currently serve and attention to detail as we say, wins wars. I know this is only

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008

nice try, CentRealTech

EL DORADO HILLS, CA, October 08, 2008 /24-7PressRelease/ -- CentRealTech Inc. announced today that they have released an Industry White Paper which presents a compelling case for the implementation of a Web based, automation solution for the labor intensive Title Production Process used by most title companies today. The title industry is going through one of the toughest times in its history

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette has it totally wrong on this one.

Here's the headline:Home buyers can now purchase title insurance directlyHere's a link to the article.First of all, any regular reader of Title Insurance Talk knows that consumers have ALWAYS been able to buy their title insurance directly. I am a pro-consumer title insurance advocate and so when I heard of the ENTITLE marketing plan, I was interested. I have been encouraging my fellow title

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008


Contact person: Robert B. Holman, Esq.OAITA(440) 232-9911SUBJECT: INDEPENDENT TITLE AGENTS FILE LAWSUIT AGAINST OHIO DEPARTMENTOF INSURANCE DIRECTOR ALLEGING FAILURE TO ADEQUATELY PROTECT OHIOHOMEOWNERSFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents (OAITA) (www.oaita.org) has filed a lawsuitwith the Ohio Supreme Court against Mary Jo Hudson, Director of the Ohio Department

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

interesting reading on Housing Wire ..the inside view

“If the federal government wants to get into the asset management business, we all may as well write the check for taxpayer losses right now,” said another managing director at a distressed-loan purchasing specialist. “This business is much harder than it looks, and the issue isn’t as simple as holding to maturity or a desire to be aggressive on loan modification.”Some sources, as a result,